History of Unix:- ================= 1960+ AT&T - Bell Labs IBM Sun Project MAC MIT MULTICS - Main Frames Developer "C" re-wrote using "C" => UNICS AT&T UNIX BSD UNIX SVR4 UNIX ANSI POSIX Unix Flavours:- =============== IBM - AIX Sun - Solaris/SunOS HP - HP-UX Rewrote Unix for PC-ARCH - LINUX Linux Distributions:- ====================== Redhat - Linux Suse - Linux Ubuntu - Linux Mandrake Linux Cent OS Fedora Project ( open source ) Unix Arch:- =========== H/w Kernel = Memory/Device/File/Process/Network Application & Core Utils Shell - Unix Shells Bourne Shell - sh Korn Shell - ksh ( default Shell ) C Shell - csh Linux shell Bourne Against Shell (bash) (default shell) Major Feature offered by the shell 1) User Interface 2) Command Processing How will i know, am i using unix/linux ? ---------------------------------------- uname uname -a Display the current shell name ? -------------------------------- echo $0 to display all the installed Shells:- ------------------------------------- cat /etc/shells to display the arch type ie 32/64 bit:- --------------------------------------- arch to display the CPU information:- -------------------------------- cat /proc/cpuinfo to display the OS name:- ------------------------ cat /proc/version OR cat /etc/redhat-release to display u r user id:- ( Effective userid) ------------------------ id Unix Users:- ============= root - sys admin group owner - Group admin end user - app user/developers Unix Files:- ============ Ordinary File Directory File Block Device File Char Device File FIFO Files Socket File Symbolic Link Files Login Sequence:- ================ 1) Login Shell 2) Password shell - 3) Auth - /etc/passwd (user infor is stored ) /etc/shadow (actual password is stored) 4) Create a Terminal 5) Execute a Global Shell Script ie /etc/profile 6) Execute a User Specific Shell Script ie .profile 7) Shell Prompt Note: User Specific Shell Script depends upon ur default SHELL if ur default shell is ksh then profile is ".profile" if ur default shell is bash then profile is ".bash_profile" if ur default shell is csh then profile is ".login" General Commands:- ================== whoami - display login name who - display all the logged user details finger - display real name of the user date - display the & time cal - display calendar ls - list the files ps - list the processes pwd - print working directory clear - clear the screen 1) cal can display calendar from year 1 to 9999 2) cal 8 1947 3) cal 1752 4) cal -j 5) date +%D 6) date +%T 7) date +"%d %m %y" 8) date +"%H %M %S" 9) ls -l ls -a display hidden files & normal files ls -i display the inode numbers ls -p display dir with suffixed with (/) ls -lt 10) ps -l Unix Help Pages:- ================= man command info command ex: man date File Operations:- ================= How to create a file:- ---------------------- cat > one.txt type the data which will be stored in one.txt cntrl + D How to view the contents of the file:- -------------------------------------- cat one.txt How to delete the file:- ------------------------- rm one.txt How to rename a file:- ----------------------- mv one.txt new.txt File System:- ============= Unix - UFS AIX - JFS Sun - ZFS Linux- EXT4FS /dev - stores all the device drivers /bin - external OS Commands /usr - installed s/w or libs /lib - Standard "C" libaray /home - each users working directory will be under this dir /boot - kernel image /sbin - sys admin commands /temp - universal read write for any user /proc - stores kernel data structure info /var - variable size - logfile,mails,webserver /mnt - default mount points to external storage devices /root - default working directory for sys-admin How to display the IP-Address of the Server:- --------------------------------------------- ifconfig or /sbin/ifconfig See Later: Sticky Bit Set UID/Set GID Bit Dir Operations:- ================ >> mkdir dirs - create a directory >> rmdir dirs - remove Empty Directories >> rm -ir dir - remove Non-Empty Directory >> cd dir - change the directory cd path cd .. = move to parent directory cd / = move to root directory cd = move to users home directory cd ~ = move to users home directory cd - PAth:- ======= Absolute path - starts from root directory i.e / Relative path - starts from current directory Copy Commands:- =============== cp filename/s directory 1) There is a file named "one.txt" in /root directory & we are in /root directory. copy this file from current directory to "B" directory cp one.txt temp/progs/SCR/A/B cp one.txt ./temp/progs/SCR/A/B cp one.txt /root/temp/progs/SCR/A/B 2) we are in /root/temp/progs/Java/app & there is a file named "new.txt" copy this file to /root directory cp new.txt ~ cp new.txt /root cp new.txt ../../../../../ 3) There is a file named "two.txt" in /root/temp/progs/C/lib & we are in /root/temp/progs/Cpp/old copy this file to the current directory cp /root/temp/progs/C/lib/two.txt . cp ~/temp/progs/C/lib/two.txt . cp ../../C/lib/two.txt . Q1) When i copy a file does the file attributes change ? yes file attributes should not be changed ? cp -p filename dir Q2) Can i copy a Directory ? yes Ans: cp -r Dir1 Dir2 Move Commands:- =============== mv filename/s directory Q3) Can i move a directory ? yes mv Dir1 Dir2 IF "Dir2" does't exists what happens ? IF "Dir2" already exists what happens ? Changing the file access permission:- ===================================== who can change the permission of a FILE >> owner >> root >> group owner chmod ugoa +/-/= rwx filename Symbolic method:- ----------------- chmod u+x new.txt chmod u-r new.txt chmod u=rw new.txt chmod a+x new.txt chmod +t directory ( Set Sticky Bit ) chmod u+s filename ( Set SUID Bit ) Octal method:- -------------- set read/write for the owner set read & Execute for grp set read for others chmod 654 filename How to change the permission of all the file & Dir chmod -R 741 dir umask Only root user can issue these cmds:- ===================================== to change the owner of the file: chown to change the group of the file: chgrp ============================================================== Linking Files:- =============== Hard Link:- ----------- ln one.txt two.txt works with Inode Number Soft Link:- ----------- ln -s one.txt file1 works on the filename ============================================================= I want to know which all the files are linked to one.txt $ ls -l one.txt -rwxr--r--r-- 25 root root 2 may 19:32 one.txt ============================================================= Search for a file in UNIX locate filename find & xargs Find Command:- ============== >> search for the file based on file attributes >> recursive options actions ------- ------- type of file -type f/d permissions -perm 777 -ls long list owner -user username -print print path group -group groupname -exec size -size 1G -1G +1G -ok date & time -mtime 1 +1 -1 name -name find path -options -action Delete all .tmp file from FS find / -type f -name "*.tmp" -exec rm {} \; OR find / -type f -name "*.tmp" | xargs rm Copy all .txt files to directory /tmp/user1 from my login find ~ -type f -name "*.txt" -exec cp {} /tmp/uuser1 \; Long list all the file size > 1GB find ~ -type f -size +1G -ls Display all the executable .sh files in my login find ~ -type f -perm u+x0 -name "*.sh" display all the directories which has full permission in FS find / -type d -perm 777 search for all a.out files & grant execute perm for all find / -type f -name "a.out" -exec chmod a+x {} \; Note: difference b/w -exec & -ok action -exec is non-interactive -ok is interactive ============================================================= Command Piping:- ================ Cmd1 | Cmd2 | Cmd3 Unix Filters:- ============== wc = word count wc one.txt wc -l one.txt (display only lines) wc -w one.txt (display only words) wc -c one.txt (display only chars) See later wc -L one.txt wc -b one.txt Examples:- ========== who | wc -l ls | wc -l ls *.txt | wc -l more display the output page by page ( interactive cmds ) less display the output page by page ( interactive cmds ) ls -l | more - go only forward ls -l | less - move forward/backward Note: type "q" to quit out of less command head - u need to select from the top of the file head -n5 one.txt head -5 one.txt head -1 one.txt head -c1 tail -c1 tail - u need to select from the bottom of the file tail -n5 one.txt tail -5 one.txt tail -1 one.txt Note: echo "Hello" - last char is \n echo -n "Hello" - there is no "\n" at the last Note: tail -f some.log ( Interactive command ) ( Dynamic Link b/w file & Console) ------------------------------------------------------------- sort sort emp.txt ( First col based on ASCII order ) sort -k2 emp.txt ( second col -ASCII) sort -k3 emp.txt ( third col -ASCII) sort -n -k4 emp.txt ( fourth col -NUMERIC - asc order) sort -n -r -k4 emp.txt ( fourth col -NUMERIC - desc order) sort -t"|" -n -r -k4 newemp.txt -b ignore multiple spaces -n numeric sort -r reverse order -k2 sort on second field -t "char" specify the delimiter, if it is other than space -o file output will be captured in said "file" ------------------------------------------------------------- cut - Extract fields or chars cut -options filename -c'n' cuts char by char -f'n' cuts field by field -d char specify the delimiter if it is other than TAB ex echo "Hello" | cut -c1 echo "Hello" | cut -c1-3 echo "Hello" | cut -c1,3 ex: echo "a=b=c=d" | cut -d"=" -f2 cut -d" " -f4 emp.txt ------------------------------------------------------------- tr = translate from one form to another form ex: echo "a,b,,,c,,,d" | tr -s "," | cut -d"," -f3 ex: date +%T | tr ":" " " | wc -w 1) Display the emp-name who is drawing highest salary 2) Display the emp-name & his salary of who is drawing lowest salary 3) display the mtime of a directory named "new" 4) display the name & size of the file "emp.txt" 5) from ls *.txt display only the filename without extension 6) from ls *.* output display only extensions of the filename ------------------------------------------------------------- paste cat emp.txt new.txt paste emp.txt new.txt cut -d" " -f1 emp.txt > a.txt cut -d" " -f2 emp.txt > b.txt paste b.txt a.txt > temp.txt ------------------------------------------------------------- Text Editor:- ============= Editors Interactive editors Non-interactive editors vi/vim sed emacs ed Diff modes in Vi editor:- ------------------------- Command Mode Insert/Append Mode Replace Mode Colon Mode Visual Mode To open a vi editor:- --------------------- vi filename To Save & Exit the vi editor:- ------------------------------- ESC :wq! ESC :wq ESC :x (truncate) To Quit Without saving:- ------------------------ ESC :q! To Save the Changes:- --------------------- ESC :w Try these commands only in command mode:- ----------------------------------------- Deletion commands:- ------------------- dd - delete the current line 'n' dd - delete n lines from the current line Cut & paste:- ------------- ndd - cut 'n' lines np - paste 'n' times nP - paste 'n' times Copy & paste:- ------------- nyy - copy 'n' lines np - paste 'n' times nP - paste 'n' times Find a text within a file:- ---------------------------- /text - find from top to bottom ?text - find from bottom up n - find next N - find previous to remove the highlight :set nohlsearch Search & replace a word in a file:- ----------------------------------- :%s/hello/hai/gi ( without confirmation ) :%s/hello/hai/gic ( with confirmation ) :1,20 s/hello/hai/gi ( apply for first 20 lines ) :20,$ s/hello/hai/gi ( from 20th line to End Of File ) Set the line number:- --------------------- :set nu Reset the line number:- ----------------------- :set nonu You want to goto a specific line:- ---------------------------------- :1 :abbr in india :colorscheme blue :colorscheme default How to work with multiple files:- --------------------------------- 1) vim 1.txt 2) :vsplit 2.txt :split 3.txt :split 4.txt 3) cntrl + W up/down/left/right (move from one window to another ) 4) :wqa ( Save & Exit All ) ============================================================= join join -1 1 -2 1 data.txt dep.txt note: pre-req both the files should be sorted based on appro merge field ============================================================= uniq :- to extract duplicates / uniques from a file file should be sorted Syntax: uniq -options filename -u display only uniques -d display only duplicates -c display count of repeatations extract the dept field from emp.txt & then sort it & then uniq -c cut -d" " -f2 emp.txt | sort | uniq -c 1) each user has logged how many times ? who | cut -d" " -f1 | sort | uniq -c 2) Command to find how many files & how many firs are there ls -l | cut -c1 | sort | uniq -c 3) how many files are there with each extension ls *.* | cut -d"." -f2 | sort | uniq -c ============================================================= Regex-Metachars . = a character [] = range of chars ^ = line starts with $ = line ends with * = zero/more ? = zero/one + = one/more {m,n} = repeatative operator | = alternative varun arun tarun [vt]?arun matching match match(ing)? singing ringing hanging (si|ri|ha)nging pre-sales pre sales presales pre[\- ]?sales presales cashsales creditsales (pre|cash|credit)sales line ends with odd no [13579]$ line starting with other than number ^[^0-9] line starts with "a" followed by zero/more any char line ends with "a" ^a.*a$ user enters date dd-mm-yy dd-mm-yyyy ^[0-9]{1,2}-[0-9]{1,2}-([0-9][0-9]){1,2} hari haari haaari ha{1,3}ri hari haari haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaari (there is not limit for "a") ha+ri ha{1,}ri haa*ri line ends with $ \$$ presales pre sales pre sales pre sales (unlimited spaces ) pre *sales ============================================================ grep - supports only BREs egrep - supports BREs & EREs fgrep - doest support REs syntax: grep -options "pattern" filename -i ignore case -n display the matching line number -c display how many lines are matched -w match exact words -v display all the line which does't match the pattern 1) display all the emps working for sales dept ? grep -iw "sales" emp.txt 2) How many emps are not working for sales dept ? grep -viw "sales" emp.txt 3) display all the emps working for sales or accts dept ? egrep -iw "(sales|accts)" emp.txt 4) from ls -l output display only the directories ? ls -l | grep "^d" 5) grep "a" *.* matching filenames I Dont need the file contents grep -l "a" *.* 6) from /etc/passwd file display my default shell and home directory grep "^root:" /etc/passwd | cut -d":" -6,7 7) from who output display users working on termianl pts/1 pts/3 pts/5 who | grep -w "pts/[135]" 8) display the blank lines with line number grep -n "^$" sample.txt ============================================================= cmp - compares two file contents char by char and stops when it finds a difference cmp file1 file2 output will at which line & which byte there was difference ============================================================= diff - code reviews diff file1 file2 displays all the differences b/w two files ie a - added d - deleted c - changed ============================================================= comm - commonality b/w two columns - it should be sorted comm file1 file2 output will be in three columns first column unique in the first file secnd column unique in the secnd file third column common b/w two files ============================================================= tee pipe >> C1 | C2 | C3 | tee out.txt | C4 >> sort emp.txt | tee out.txt ============================================================= Process related Commands:- ========================== What is a process ? >> program under execution is termed as process >> if we execute a command, os creates a process Start a Foreground : Command Start a BAckground : Command & How to terminate a process: kill PID or Cntrl + C How to KILL A process : kill -9 PID How can start a process which indepdent of a TERMINAL ? nohup sh sam.sh > out.txt & How to start a process with lower priortity nice -19 sh sam.sh & ============================================================== Shell Scripts:- =============== ENV variables:- ----------------- echo $PATH echo $SHELL echo $TERM echo $PS1 echo $LOGNAME echo $HOME echo $PWD How to set the path PATH=$PATH:/home/user1/project/bin SPECIAL VARIABLEs:- ------------------- echo $$ # display the PID of the current process echo $! # display the PID of the last background process echo $? # display exit status of last process Note: when $? is 0 then previous process was sucess $? is Non-Zero then prev process has failed User Defined Variables:- ------------------------ Numeric variable a=10 # valid a = 10 # invalid a= 10 # invalid a =10 # invalid Non-Numeric variable name='hari prasad' Output statement in a shell script:- ------------------------------------ echo "statement" echo 'statement' # WYCWYG Input statement/get a value from the keyboard:- ------------------------------------------------ read a read a b My First Shell SCript:- ======================= 1) script name should have an extension as ".sh" 2) first line of ur script should #! interpreter path 3) script should have execute permission prog2.sh ========= #!/bin/bash echo "Enter your name : " read name echo "Welcome to Shell Script $name" echo " PID = $$" # display the PID of current shell echo "Script name = $0" # script name Diff ways of executing the shell script:- ========================================== Method1: bash prog2.sh or sh prog2.sh Method2 : ./prog2.sh ============================================================ Write a shell script ie "prog3.sh" to accept the First filename from the user to accept the Second filename from the user u have to create a duplicate copy of first file with name as second file then display the contents of first file then display the contents of secnd file sol: echo "Enter the first filename : " read file1 echo "Enter the second filename : " read file2 cp $file1 $file2 echo "first file contents are " cat $file1 echo "Second file contents are " cat $file2 prog4.sh:- ========== Write a script >>to accept two filenames from the user >>compare them char by char >>then display was it sucess/failure sol: echo "Enter the first filename : " read file1 echo "Enter the second filename : " read file2 cmp $file1 $file2 > /dev/null # cmp is a command to compares # two files char by char # > /dev/null is to suppress the output echo "Result = $?" # display 0 on sucess # display non-zero on failure I dont want any descrption ============================================================= Prog5.sh:- ========== WRite script to >>accept the filename from the user >>then display number of lines in that file Note: u r program should display only no of lines but not the filename sol: wc -l $fname | cut -d" " -f1 OR cat $fname | wc -l I want the commands output to be captured in a shell variable Command substitution lines=`wc -l $fname | cut -d" " -f1` echo $lines prog6.sh:- ========== Write a script to accept two filename from the user find how many lines are there in first file find how many lines are there in secnd file if the both the file have same no of lines display "Equal" else display "UnEqual" prog7.sh:- ========== echo "Enter the file1 : " read f1 echo "Enter the file2 : " read f2 cmp $f1 $f2 > /dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ] then echo "Success" else echo "Failure" fi prog8.sh:- ========== Accept a file name from the user extract the first lines first word of the file & store it in $a extract the last lines first word of the file & store it in $b compare these two words and display appor message prog9.sh:- =========== Accept the filename from the user display the first word display the last word sample contents of my file:- ---------------------------- hello-world-of-unix-shell-bangalore first word is = hello last word is = bangalore sol: echo "Enter the filename" read f1 first=`cat $f1 | cut -d"-" -f1` n=`cat $f1 | tr "-" " " | wc -w` last=`cat $f1 | cut -d"-" -f$n` echo "$first" echo "$last" ============================================================= Diff ways of writing if-statement:- ==================================== 1) if [ $a == $b ] ; then echo "same" else echo "diff" fi 2) if test $a = $b then echo "same" else echo "diff" fi case statement:- ================ echo "Enter your name : " read name # to extract the first char of the string res=`echo $name | cut -c1` case $res in [aeiouAEIOU]) echo "Vowel" ;; *) echo "Consonent" ;; esac sol: echo "Enter the filename" read fname char=`ls -ld $fname | cut -c1` case $char in -) echo "ordinary file" ;; d) echo "directory file" ;; *) echo "special file" ;; esac ============================================================= while loop:- ============ i=1 while [ $i -le 6 ] do echo "$i" let i++ done prog10.sh:- =========== str="abcdefghij" display only the alternate char of the above string a c e g i sol: str='abcdefghijk' #count no of character in a STRING chars=`echo -n $str | wc -c` i=1 # START of the loop while [ $i -le $chars ] # cond to stop the loop do echo "$str" | cut -c$i # Extract the desired chars let i=i+2 # interval done ============================================================== until loop:- ============ $?=1 # assum this until [ $? -eq 0 ] do sleep 60 ping -c5 hostname > /dev/null done ============================================================== for loop:- ========== ex1: for i in 10 20 30 40 50 do echo $i done ex2: for i in `seq 1 10` do echo $i done Input is:- ========== str='hello' Output:- ======== olleh sol: str='hello' n=`echo -n "$str" | wc -c` for i in `seq $n -1 1` do echo "$str" | cut -c$i done ============================================================== for((i=0;i<=10;i++)) do echo $i done ============================================================== sum=0 for i in `cat sales.txt | cut -d"=" -f2` do let sum=sum+i done echo $sum contents sales.txt =================== north=40 south=32 east=89 west=67 Ans = 228 ============================================================== How to Compress the file :- =========================== >> gzip filename.txt it will compress the orginal file & rename the orginal file as filename.txt.gz >> gunzip filename.txt.gz it will de-compress the file >> zcat filename.txt.gz display the contents of the compressed file How to tar a directory:- ======================== create a tar file: tar -cvf backup.tar foldername untar a file : tar -xvf backup.tar list tar file : tar -tvf backup.tar create a tgz file : tar -gcvf backup.tgz foldername Basic System Adminstration:- ============================ Disk Related commands:- ----------------------- du df fdisk -l swap User management:- ------------------ 1) groupadd developer groupdel groupmod 2) adduser -g developer arun 3) deluser 4) moduser 5) #SET password to the user passwd arun Network commands:- ------------------ ifconfig netstat service servicename status rpm:- ====== to install an RPM : rpm -ivh package.rpm to query for avail: rpm -q packagename to list all : rpm -qa to upgrade : rpm -Uvh packagename.rpm to uninstall : rpm -e packagename yum:- ===== we need to have repository defined which contains all the RPM files/packages in that location yum install packagename yum upgrade packagename yum remove pakagename yum list yum info ============================================================= 1)i have to search for a file in my file system which has a word "hello$" within file contents find ~ -type f -exec grep "hello\$" {} \; find ~ -type f | xargs grep "hello\$" 2) merge every two lines into one cat new.txt | xargs -l2 3) user inputs a username u have to display the his ID homedir default shell echo "Enter the username" read user cut -d":" -f1 /etc/passwd | grep -w "$user" if [ $? -eq 0 ] then echo Valid user else echo Invalid user fi to debug the shell scripts:- ----------------------------- bash -xv script Math operators:- ================ a=10 b=20 1) let c=a+b # works only in ksh/bash 2) c=`expr $a + $b` # works only in bash/sh 3) ((c=a+b)) =============================================================
Friday, 22 August 2014
Basic LINUX commands
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